Building power cabinets and temporary plants with high power requirements, generally larger than 80A, shall be connected by Lede as notified by the electrical installer.
Builders or others with high power requirements usually hire building power cabinets from a rental company. This basically applies to plants with a connection greater than 80A, but in practice it is the dimension of the supply cable that determines.
Lede makes connection
Lede is responsible for the connection with large temporary facilities. This applies to plants where the supply has a diameter of 240 mm2.
If the plant is larger than 80A, but the supply has a diameter of 95/50 mm2 and the connection is made to cable cabinet / air, it is still performed by pre-qualified installers.
Temporary installations that have a high-voltage net-level outlet shall similarly be connected by Lede.
The installer must send a message
Before attachment, the installer must submit a network connection message and get this approved before the connection is made.